Training Update

My last Boston Marathon training update was around week 5 of my 16-week program and I was feeling strong. Training hadn’t taken over my life, I was enjoying it, eating lots, and I was excited for more. At the same time, however, I was remaining cautious.

I knew that the highest mileage weeks and the toughest workouts were yet to come. Hanging on to my healthy mindset and balanced lifestyle would only become more of a challenge, and I needed to be on high-alert for any signs that I was slipping into the dangerous place that I’ve been in before.

As I sit here writing this, I am halfway through week twelve. And am happy to report that I have, in fact, kept the balance. I’ve had tough runs. Runs where I was counting down how many miles I had left and where I couldn’t wait to be done. But those have been few and far between, and I know better than to judge my fitness off of a handful of tough days.

Overall, I’ve been happy with my mindset, my increased endurance, the lessons I’ve learned in fueling on-the-run, the time I get to spend exploring my beautiful city by foot, the challenge of the hills I’ve climbed and the views from the top, the company I have on my long runs (shoutout to James for riding his bike alongside me), the post-run stack of chocolate chip pancakes, and the life I’ve continued to live outside of my training program (traveling around southeastern USA, spending time with friends & family, checking more breweries off our list, taking MasterClass courses, working, reading, down time, the bachelorette party I have coming up next week).

I know it’s not over yet, but I’m two weeks away from starting to taper and believe that I can maintain the balance and continue having fun. I ran 20 miles on a treadmill last weekend thanks to the snow & ice storm that hit Asheville, and still managed to smile.

I have two long runs left, and then it’s time to slow things down and be sure I show up at the starting line with excitement, fresh legs, and knowing that I can do it.

4 responses on “Training Update

  1. Ginny

    20 miles on a treadmill?? And a smile at the end?! You are truly amazing Kerry!! Congratulations – so proud of you and how you’ve managed to keep this delicate balance. You’re always stronger than you think you are and it’s all in your mindset. Would love to hear more about the lessons learned in fueling for your/on runs, how you find places and routes to run while you travel and anything else you have to share to keep your mindset on those tough days. Thanks for being such an inspiration always!! Love you!

    1. kerryann228 Post author

      Thank you so much, Ginny!! You are so right – the mind is SO powerful and can be limiting & defeating, or empowering… it’s up to us! These are great ideas for future posts. I’m always looking for inspiration! Love you!!

  2. Tom Bulger


    It all sounds good. Make sure you rest up at least the week before the marathon, and also remember the first half of Boston is downhill and fast. Be judicious.


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