
I built Sweeter Strides as a space to combine my passions for running, nutrition, and holistic mental & physical wellness. My hope is to reach athletes who are looking for a balance between life and sport that they may have lost amongst feelings of pressure, guilt, and defeat. 

I am a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), I earned my master’s degree in Athletic Counseling, and I have an extensive background in competitive running. 

While competing as a runner at the Division I level in college, I found myself constantly fighting to be the fastest, fittest runner at the cost of my physical and mental wellbeing. It was my long and hard battle with disordered eating, exercise addiction, social isolation, self-induced pressure, and identity crisis that led me to eventually discover my passion and my purpose. You can learn more about my eating disorder here. 

On this blog, you’ll find a mix of daily life, all things running (the good, the bad, the ugly), eating disorder recovery tips, meal ideas, and more. 

I also now coach runners one on one, using a holistic approach to enhance self-efficacy, develop a growth mindset, set reasonable goals (as they relate to sport and/or other aspects of their lives), cope with injury, and strengthen their identities outside of “the runner.” Visit my wellness coaching page here.