The Decision to Finally Let Go

In my years after college I made a lot of progress. I wasn’t competing so seriously in running anymore and I had come a LONG way from the days of severe diet restriction and crippling anxiety around food. I enjoyed a Christmas cookie or two, I had plenty of nights out partying and enjoying a slice of late night pizza, I was traveling, I had strong friendships, and a beautiful relationship with my now fiancé. It probably looked like I had it all together.

But in truth, I was still being held captive by exercise and food. I couldn’t let go of my daily runs, and I continued to carefully consider each bite I’d put in my mouth. I wasn’t avoiding social events anymore, but I was still anxious eating at restaurants, I was pretty rigid with meal times, I was nervous when others would cook for me, I weighed in daily, and I did regular body checks in the mirror. I just couldn’t let it all go. And I was kind of proud of that because it made me feel strong. It made me feel disciplined. I didn’t want total freedom because that would mean letting myself go. It would mean giving up control and giving up my identity.

Remember how I am a health coach, and have a degree in Athletic Counseling? Yeah, seems like I should have had it all figured out. And the rational, educated me knew that the stress I was putting my body through wasn’t healthy mentally or physically. I have successfully coached thousands of individuals in finding a healthy balance with both diet and exercise. But for some reason all of what I knew and what I talked through with clients didn’t apply to me. It was my job to be thin, and to run fast and far. 

Although I wasn’t inclined to make changes, I did recognize that I wasn’t in the healthiest place and started following some YouTubers who talked about their experiences with eating disorders/restriction and recovery. some of my favorites are Kate Noel, Stephanie Buttermore, and Natacha Oceane). I also listened to Podcasts like Tina Muir’s Running for Real, and Tawnee Gibson’s Endurance Planet. I looked at these women with such admiration. They are so brave to give up their eating disorders and their exercise addictions. But me? I could never do that. I didn’t even want to do that.

Last year, something began switching in my brain. I felt the urge to let go. I felt exhausted. I didn’t want to be thinking about food all the time and I didn’t want to feel obligated to run each morning. For the first time, I decided that I wanted to be done. I wanted out. 

I was tired of basing my self-worth on what the scale read, and on how many miles I ran each week. I was tired of protecting my identity as a skinny runner, and of missing out on the enjoyment of food. I was tired of planning my life around workouts, and stressing about going on trips because I didn’t know if I’d be able to get my daily run in while away from my safe space/routine. I was tired of waking up before the sun to workout if I had a busy day. I decided I needed this to end.

Once I made that decision, the decision that I was sick of the life I had built for myself, I changed. I said it out loud to my family, my close friends, and my fiancé. I told them I was ready to alter my lifestyle for good this time and to let go of the demon that had a hold on me for way too long. Speaking those words and feeling their support empowered me. I got rid of my scale, I eat to satiety, I allow myself to enjoy those old “fear foods,” I cut my running in half, I take complete rest days, and I started to put on weight. And the best part is that I wasn’t so anxious about it, because suddenly it didn’t feel like giving up control. It felt like I was gaining the control to live the quality of life I really want.

Making the decision to quit the life that I had created (a life of rigidity and anxiety) created space for things like lazy Sundays, birthday cake, yoga, cooking, better relationships, and excitement to travel and see the world. I gave up what I had held on to for so long and I gained energy, a healthy woman’s body, a bigger and brighter smile, a renewed love for running, and so much more. 

Do I still have those difficult days? Sure. I get a little anxious when I notice my clothes fitting a bit differently or when I see photos of those elite runners who seem to workout 24/7. But when I have those difficult moments, I remind myself of what I traded in my running addiction and eating disorder for. And that is enough to never, ever go back. For the first time in years, I feel free and I feel confident that I have finally gotten past that seemingless endless journey. 

8 responses on “The Decision to Finally Let Go

    1. kerryann228 Post author

      Thank you, Justin! I’m glad that you can relate and connect this to your own experiences. I think so many runners suffer in silence. I hope sharing my stories will encourage others to do the same!

    1. kerryann228 Post author

      Thank you, Tina! You know better than anybody how tough the realization that running is not all there is to life can be, and that health is more important than fast marathons and a “runners body.” It’s women like you who make it seem possible for the rest of us to find health, balance, and fulfillment. Your podcast and social media accounts are so inspiring. Thank you for being such a unique role model in the world of women’s running!

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